Návrat na hlavnú stránku AOS
  Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika Streda 03. 07. 2024        
 Hlavná stránka

Visit of the Rector of the University of Defence in Belgrade,
Serbia in AFA Liptovský Mikuláš
    Commandant of ISOC LTC Jozef WESSELÉNYI had privilege to warmly welcome delegation from University of Defence in Belgrade, Serbia.

    Major General Prof. Mladen VURUNA, PhD. – Rector of the University of Defence in Belgrade and Col Mišo PLANOJEVIĆ – director of the School of National Defence visited Armed Forces Academy (AFA) in time period 14th – 17th April 2015.

    The visit of ISOC connected with the introduction of Professional Military Education Centre (PMEC) was only small part of the rich programme prepared for guests within AFA.

    Although the visit in ISOC took only one hour, they managed to cover several fields. Firstly ISOC Commandant LTC Wesselényi – Acting Commandant of the PMEC introduced ISOC area as a whole and secondly invited quest into conference room with the aim to talk about PMEC and ISOC in-depth. Presentation was held by instructor CAPT Martin CHOVANEC who briefly informed about key topic of the Military Carrier Education in the Slovak Armed Forces environment.

    Finally, the members of delegation discussed about differences between Slovak and Serbia military education and the guests were given a general overview of military education provided by AFA.
    Bc. Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: -hg-    

gen. Dr. M. R. Štefánik
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