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Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Štefánik
Liptovský Mikuláš
Department of Mechanical Engineering

XIX International Scientific Conference
14 – 16 December 2022
  • Forming of the level of technical risk, especially identification of hazards associated with degradation as well as fatigue processes occurring during operations, should be carried out already at the design stage. The factor that significantly determines such a procedure is the ability to diagnose and forecast the evolution of these processes, and in particular to have procedures for detecting periods of initiation and early, low-energy phases of development of this type of damage.
  • The aim of the conference is to present the latest achievements in the field of modelling and simulation of mechanical system failures, diagnostics of fatigue and low-energy failures, safety of technical systems as well as diagnostics of the technical condition and development of structural failures. An important part of the conference topics are also issues in the field of broadly understood exploitation, with particular emphasis on the selection of an effective strategy and methods for diagnosing and forecasting the condition and evolution of damage, as well as issues related to security and defence understood both in the military and forensic sense.
  • One of the sessions will be devoted to the 75th anniversary of prof. Stanisław Radkowski.

Honorary President: Stanislaw Radkowski
President: Peter Droppa
President: Paweł Droździel
President: Jędrzej Mączak
• Bogdan Antoszewski • Radovan Madleňák
• Tomasz Barszcz • Michał Makowski
• Roman Barczewski • Andriy P. Marchenko
• Dalibor Barta • Stefan Medvecký
• Marijonas Bogdevicius • Wojciech Moczulski
• Otakar Bokůvka • Andrzej Muszyński
• Anna Borucka • Andrzej Niewczas
• Sebastian Brol • Miroslav Neslušan
• Tatiana Čorejová • Tomasz Nowakowski
• Zbigniew Dąbrowski • Marek Opielak
• Boris Ďurkech • Radosław Pakowski
• Jacek Dybała • Zbigniew Pater
• Tomasz Figlus • Vladimír Popardovský
• Józef Gacek • Andrzej Puchalski
• Marek Jaśkiewicz • Jozef Puttera
• Julia Gościańska-Łowińska • Milan Sága
• Józef Jonak • Jiří Stodola
• Andrzej Kaźmierczak • Jan Szczepaniak
• Jerzy Kisilowski • Andrzej Świderski
• Grzegorz Klekot • Anna Timofiejczuk
• Przemysław Kubiak • Andrzej Tylikowski
• Witold Luty • Tadeusz Uhl
• Bogusław Łazarz • Wiesław Zwierzycki
• Bogdan Żółtowski  

Miroslava Cúttová – Chairman
Marcin Jasiński – Co-chairman
Krzysztof Szczurowski - Secretary
Anna Borucka – Treasurer
Eva Popardovská Martin Bartoš
Pavol Lukášik Vladimír Kadlub
Aleksandra Waszczuk-Młyńska Piotr Miś

  • 03. 11. 2022 - declaration of participation (by web-page)
  • 10. 11. 2022 - notification of paper acceptance to oral or poster presentation;
  • 14.11.2022 - Extended Abstracts submitting (1-4 pages), by e-mail, for inserting in the pre-conference proceedings; Payment of registration fee;
  • 21. 03. 2023 - deadline for submission of full-length papers according to guidelines by journals web-pages;
  • 30. 06. 2023 - editing of post-conference papers and sending to the selected journal's offices for printing materials from the conference.
Deadline for extended abstracts submission: 14 November 2022
Conference:14 – 16 December 2022
Instruction for Authors (.doc)

Full content of the papers after receiving positive review will be published in journals (decision made by editors): “Diagnostyka - Diagnostics” or "Eksploatacja i Niezawodność - Maintenance and Reliability" and „Science & Military“ (SK).
Sending the summaries and the full contents of the papers, as well as the decisions regarding acceptance of a paper and its qualification for oral presentation or poster session, should be done using conference web page. The presentation of the paper by its author as well as the fee payment is the condition for printing a paper in the materials from the conference.
Maximum size of the printed paper formatted according to the rules of “Diagnostics” Journal may not exceed 6 pages.

English is the basic language of the conference and of the publications. Presenting of the papers in Polish, Slovak or Czech is permitted but the displayed presentation must be prepared in English.

Conference registration fee:  1250,- PLN or 265 EUR
Reduced fee for students and PhD students:  1100,- PLN or 130 EUR

Fee for the accompanying person:
40 EUR (adult); 20 EUR (child); will be payed to the Conference Secretary (in Liptovský Mikuláš).
Fee reduction is possible in the case of the participants from Romania and Ukraine. Please contact the conference secretariat individually.
The fee gives the right to participate in the sessions (plenary and poster sessions), conference materials and the accompanying meetings.
Registration fee should be paid to the bank account:
Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne
ul. Jagiellońska 80 (ITS)
03-301 Warszawa
PKO Bank Polski S.A. IV O/Warszawa
83 1020 1042 0000 8102 0107 5449
For international transfers:
PL83 1020 1042 0000 8102 0107 5449
With remark: XIX ITSDC

Akadémia ozbrojených síl
generála M. R. Štefánika
Katedra strojárstva
031 01, Liptovský Mikuláš 1
Demänová 393

Accommodation is not covered in the conference fee. Hotel Jánošík has offered small discount (double room: 90€, single room: 55€, with breakfast) for participants.
Hotel Jánošík website

Institute of Vehicles and Construction Machinery Engineering
Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: [+48] 22 234-81-17 to 19

Conference Anouncement


Sobota 27.07.2024
Meniny má


Katedra strojárstva
Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika
Demänová 393
031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš
Slovenská republika
Tel.:+421 960 423366
E-mail: kts@aos.sk                               
Copyright © 2005 KIS AOS
                 Aktualizácia: 21. 10. 2019

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