Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Next ISOC starts
    The third International Staff Officers Course – ISOC Opening Ceremony was held at the Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Stefanik on 10th September 2009, with participation of the Directing General of defense policy, international affairs and legislation of MOD SR Julius Demetrian.

    The course joined 16 officers in the ranks of lieutenant and captain from Germany, Georgia, Macedonia, Ukraine and Slovakia. Due to the ISOC course the Armed Forces Academy has the status of PfP Training Centre. The participants are trained by attending the theoretical and practical preparation in English in both Command and Staff procedures and consequently within multinational environment. “ISOC course meets all needs to prepare the officers from PfP and NATO countries for their future service in multinational operations”, said J. Demetrian.

    The ISOC 3 will last for 11 weeks by assistance of Maj Seth Kozak from US Army who act as an advisor. The commandant of the ISOC course is LTC Miroslav Fázik.

    The ISOC 3 opening ceremony attended Defence Attachés from Germany and Czech Republic as well as officials from Slovak Armed Forces. On behalf of Armed Forces Academy Col Juraj Vyrostek (Vice-rector for military affairs) welcomed the new ISOC participants.

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