Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The 3rd ISOC was finished
    The 3rd International Staff Officers Course (ISOC) for junior staff officers was finished on the 12th of November 2009 after eleven weeks of special preparation conducted in English language. The Course is held in the Slovak Armed Forces Academy as a national project of Slovakia supported by Kingdom of Nederland. That was the reason why a Dutch Military Attaché LTC Jan Korteweg took part at its closing ceremony.

    The aim of the Course is to train junior staff officers in order to enable them to serve in multinational environment.

     In this 3rd ISOC course the presentations were given not only by the lectors from Slovak Armed Forces Academy but also from Netherland (Maj. Ronald SENSEN) and Poland (LTC Marek GRYGA, LT Pawel JACZYNSKI). The Presenters shared their experience from mission deployment in ISAF, EUFOR and S-FOR operations.

     The Armed Forces Academy performs the ISOC Course based on Status of PfP Training Center (PfP TC). This Training Center is one amongst other 15 TCs that are in 14 NATO and PfP countries.

     There are regular meetings of PfP TC Commandants for the purpose of raising the quality NATO requirements and of Training and Education of military personnel. The very last one was held in October this year in Baden (Austria). The 11th Meeting of PfP TC Commandants will be held for the first time in Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia) in 2010.

     16 officers with ranks Lieutenant up to Captain have successfully finished the 3rd ISOC Course. They were from Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, FYROM and Slovakia. The Special Advisor of this Course was MAJ Seth KOZAK (US Army). The Course Certificates were given to students by COL GS Juraj VYROSTEK (Deputy Commandant of PfP TC) and COL Peter SLOVAK (Deputy Director of the Section of Defence policy, International Relations and Legislation of MOD).

     The prize for the Best student of ISOC 3 was given to Capt. Kevin FREUDENBERGER (Germany) by ISOC Commandant LTC Miroslav FAZIK.

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