Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 4 has started successfully
    The ISOC 4 Course has been running at the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik since 15th of April 2010.

    Sixteen students in ranks of Lieutenant up to Major from eight NATO and PfP countries have already attended English Language Development week under the guidance of the lectors from the Language Department. The students highly appreciated an attitude and professional approach of the lectors. Following that the students attended the Capabilities week when they received a basic package of the different elements of the Combat Arms and Combat Support Arms delivered by ISOC instructors.

    The presentations concerning NATO and EU were given on 29th of April 2010 by Guest Speakers - Col Juraj VYROSTEK (Vice-rector for Military Issues of the Armed Forces Academy) who gained rich experience as a Deputy Slovak NMR to SHAPE and LtCol Dušan KONÔPKA (Chief Instructor of Education and Simulation Centre) who has experience from working at the Office of Military Representative to NATO and EU.

    Col VYROSTEK presented and explained the foundation, structure, policy and NATO intentions and challenges in the future.

    LtCol KONÔPKA in his presentation focused on EU matters especially EU structure, policy and relationship with the NATO.

    The presentations attracted not only students but also staff and served as a base for following fruitful discussion.
    nrtm. Bc. Rastislav Heldák    

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