Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 5 has started
    The 5th International Staff Officers' Course (ISOC) started on the 6th of September 2010 at the Armed Forces Academy in Liptovský Mikuláš.

    The ISOC 5 was opened by rector of Armed Forces Academy Brigadier General Miroslav Kelemen and General Director of Defense Policy, International relations and Legislation Department of the Slovak MoD Mr. Jaroslav Naď. Mr. Naď highly appreciated organizing of the International courses at the Armed Forces Academy and he highlighted their benefit for effective preparation of officers according to the NATO requirements and standards.

    There are 18 officers in ISOC 5 in ranks of First Lieutenant, Captain and Major from Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine and Slovakia. The course is a next step in their professional military carrier. The Armed Forces Academy has the status of PfP Training Center as one of the 16 PfP Training Centers within NATO.

    During the course the students will undertake the theoretical and practical preparation in order to enhance their capabilities to participate in staff work within multinational environment. They will conduct exercises focused on operational planning of defensive and offensive operations. The general idea of the course is to increase the interoperability within the NATO and PfP Countries concerning to training and education.

    The ISOC 5 will finish on the 12th of November 2010.

    The ISOC Commandant is newly appointed LtCol Tomáš Bobko who was designated to this position on the 1st of September 2010.
    photo: -hg-    

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