Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Next graduates of ISOC
    On 19th March 2009 the second ISOC graduation ceremony took place at the Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Stefanik with participation of the Commandant of NATO School Oberammergau Colonel James J. Tabak, the Directing General of defence policy, international affairs and legislation of MOD SR Julius Demetrian and the vice rector of Armed Forces Academy Colonel Vyrostek.

    The second International Staff Officers Course was conducted from 8th Jan to 19th March. 17 international students attended this course in rank of 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Major from 9 countries (Serbia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany and Slovakia)

    During graduation ceremony before handing over ISOC certificates the Commandant of NATO School Oberammergau Colonel James J. Tabak addressed ISOC graduates. In his speech he stressed that friendship and cooperation that had been established during ISOC should be preserved and maintained to the extent possible because of a high probability of meeting each other somewhere in missions (e.g. ISAF). It would make the future cooperation much easier and more pleasant. Next he pointed that the trend of NATO armies is to focus on small units training and high tech equipment. In this aspect the ISOC is a very good example how to conduct an effective training for a small group of officers. At the end of his speech he wished graduates good luck in their professional career and safe return back home.

    The best student of the ISOC received a special price – the wooden owl. The best student was Captain Hazim Osmanovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    At the end of the graduation ceremony ISOC Commandant COL Balaz in regard with 5th anniversary of accreditation of academy as PfP Training Centre handed over small gifts to Colonel James J. Tabak and to Julius Demetrian.
        Photogallery   text: pplk. Miroslav Fázik    
photo: -ds-    

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