Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The 4th International Staff Officers’ Course opened at the Armed Forces Academy
    The official Opening ceremony of the 4th International Staff Officers’ Course opened by the Rector of Armed Forces Academy Brigadier Miroslav Kelemen took place on 19th of April 2010 in Liptovský Mikuláš.

    In 4th ISOC Course there are total 16 officers in ranks of Lieutenant up to Major from Estonia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Serbia, Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Azerbaijan and Slovakia.

    The Armed Forces Academy is the holder of Status of PfP TC – Partnership for Peace Training Centre in frame of which is the ISOC Course realised. The genuine part of challenging theoretical and practical preparation lead in English is the training of Command and Staff procedures within multinational environment.

    Due to high standard and quality of preparation and perspective employment of ISOC graduates within multinational staffs the Course become career prestigious not only for Slovak officers.

    Total length of the ISOC is 11 weeks. The Chief Instructor of the ISOC is LTC Miroslav Fázik nowadays in mission in Kosovo being deputised by Maj Jozef Wesselényi.

    At the ISOC 4 opening ceremony took part also Col Jozef Neděla from MOD, Mr. Pavel Nečas – Vice rector for Science and Mr. Michal Chlebec – Head of Lifelong Education Center.
        Photogallery   mjr. Ing. Jozef Wesselényi    
photo: - ds -    

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