Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

ISOC 4 has finished
    The International Staff Officers’ Course (ISOC) which was held at the Armed Forces Academy (certificated PfP Training Center) has been finished. The closing ceremony was attended by the Estonian Military Attaché in the Slovak Republic LTC Inna Miller.

    16 students from 8 NATO and PfP countries (Azerbaijan, Albania, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Slovakia) graduated from 4th ISOC Course which lasted from 15 April to 24 June 2010. Certificates were given to the students by Vice-rector for Military Issues of the Armed Forces Academy Col GS Juraj Výrostek who said: “I believe that knowledge and experience gained during the course will be used and developed to enhance the operational capabilities of your Armed Forces”.

    The best student Maj Lauri Abel from Estonia was awarded by the ISOC symbol “The Owl” received from the Chief Instructor Maj Jozef Wesselenyi.

    The ISOC Course provides command and staff training to officers who are preparing for deployment within multinational environment. The language of the course is English.
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