Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Term 1 in ISOC 4 successfully finished
    Students have already attended first part (Term 1) of the course and after successful evaluations which received from our ISOC instructors are ready for the second part (Term 2) of the course which is directly focused on the performance of OPP (Operational Planning Process).

    The students highly appreciated lessons given by guest speakers. Mr. Michal Chlebec - Head of Lifelong Education Center shared his experience from Napples. Especially they were enthusiastic from ISAF missions experience LTC Joost Doense - CO AI Bn Dutch Royal Army, who deeply hit them by his colourful narrative about his time when he commanded Dutch Battle Group in province of Uruzgan in the RC South of Afghanistan.
    Text: mjr. Ing. Miloš Marcinčák    
Photo: nrtm. Bc. Rastislav Heldák     

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