Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Trainers from Netherlands in ISOC
    Right after the conclusion of the 5th International Staff Officers’ Course (ISOC) the Slovak Armed Forces Academy hosted three experts from the Kingdom of the Netherlands last week.

    LTC Reuling, Capt Vromans and Capt van den Berg came to ISOC to conduct the training from 15 - 19 November to develop the knowledge of ISOC instructors. Five days training was mostly focused on the command and staff procedures at the battalion level during the Peace Support Operation (PSO). Besides the two ISOC instructors four students from the Junior Command and Staff Officers’ Course took part at the training and shared their experience throughout it.

    The activity was carried out as a form of cooperation and support from the Netherlands side to the ISOC according to „Memorandum of understanding between the MoD of the Slovak Republic and the MoD of the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the Netherlands support to the ISOC.”

    On the 16 November the Armed Forces Academy was visited by Defence Attaché of the Netherlands LTC Leon Soroko. After a short meeting with Vice-rector for Military issues of the Armed Forces Academy Col Juraj Vyrostek and Director of the Lifelong Education Center Mr. Michal Chlebec he visited the ISOC and he was interested in how the training is conducted. Together with Mr. Michal Chlebec and ISOC Commandant LTC Tomáš Bobko he spoke about the ISOC, students and next cooperation and ways of support from Netherlands to the course.

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