Human and social sciences
department of the Armed Forces Academy organized an international scientific
conference „Organizational culture in Armed Forces of the
Slovak Republic“ on October 23 – 24, 2008, at which the
European Association for Security in Krakow cooperated with the Academy
for Health and Security Measures in Kiev to define and mathematically
analyse elements of the organizational culture concentrating on particularities
of the Armed and Rescue Forces of the Slovak Republic, identify the standard
of organizational culture of the Slovak Armed Forces after the full professionalization
and finally discuss the options of further improvement of Armed Forces‘
organizational culture as an important motivational factor of professionalism
standard enhancement and role of the military education in this process.
Rector of the Armed Forces Academy, Brig. Gen.
Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Miroslav Kelemen, Ph.D. gave an opening speech
in which he expressed his confidence that „engagement of scientific
potential in joint projects will help to find new ways of achieving the
goals and improving the quality of military personnel’s education and
training particularly in area of security and defence“. In a speech
given to the participants the president of European Association for Security,
Assoc. Prof. Leszek Korzeniowski stressed the importance of continuity
of activities focused on security issues and recognized the Armed Forces
Academy to be a centre of Slovak Republic’s security development.
Conference was attended by 52 experts from Ukraine,
Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, representatives from Slovak MoD and General
Staff of the Armed Forces cooperating with public universities in Slovakia
and also participants from hosting Armed Forces Academy.
Scientific board defined the following points
of future effort to resolve the security issues at the end of the conference:
to pay more attention to the definition of a military organisational culture,
to analyse its social aspects and influence on achieving the goals of
the armed forces and to identify it as a system and product with effect
on individuals and communities.