Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik

About the Slovak Armed Forces Doctrine
    Military Board of the Chief of General Staff of the Slovak Republic has come to the conclusion that it will be necessary to revise and submit the Slovak Armed Forces Doctrine by December 2008. For that reason „Slovak Armed Forces Doctrine (C)“ seminar took place at the Armed Forces Academy on October 29, 2008. The main aim was to amend the structure of the document, wording of its parts and to approach to its final version.

    Seminar was organized by the General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces, Department of Analysis, Doctrines and Standards, in cooperation with Security Institute of the Armed Forces Academy and attended by Slovak Military Representatives from NATO HQ in Brussels, Mons and Norfolk and 49 experts from the Slovak MoD, General Staff and particular armed forces commands as well as students of Senior Staff Officers’ Course of the Armed Forces Academy. Opening speech was delivered by the Chief of J-7, Col (GS) Jaroslav Nižňanský, Ph.D.

    The Rector of the Armed Forces Academy, Brig. Gen. Miroslav Kelemen emphasized that „ ... we have an interest to make the strategic documents an effective reflection of study contents of career courses for military professionals“ in his introductory speech and expressed his will to provide an appropriate support.

    Discussion of experts was focused on present situation in process of amending the Doctrine and the issues concerning an implementation of this document into national environment.

    By the seminar conclusions the working group under the leadership of General Staff J-7 Department will work on this key Doctrine and AJP – 01 (C) will be implemented into our environment through the Slovak Defence Standard.
        More photos   text: -hg-, -jm-    
photo: -hg-    

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