Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Exercise GOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD 2010 (GN 10)
Initial Planning Conference (IPC)
    On 3 April 2009 there was conducted GN 10 IPC. The exercise will be conducted in April and May 2010. The exercise is continuation of series of exercises that were conducted in previous years. The last exercise was conducted in 2006.

    Participants of the IPC were representatives of Defence University Brno from Czech Republic (COL Spisak and LTC Koch) and National Defence Academy Vienna from Austria (COL Renier and MAJ Fuchs). AFA was represented by COL Balaz and MAJ Stefanca.

    During the conference there were discussed basis aspects of exercise preparations that will focus on EU Battle Group (BG) in Area of Responsibility. The next subject was also participation of different countries in the exercise and conduct of the exercise.

    The next conference will be organized in September 2009 and most probably will be in the Czech Republic in Brno.
    text: MAJ Jozef Štefanča    
photo: -hg-    

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