Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik

Armed Forces Academy championship in swimming
    On October 28, 2008 the Institute of the Physical Education and Sport organized the annual Championship of the Armed Forces Academy in swimming attended by foreign representatives this once.

    Championship included three disciplines: 50 metres breaststroke, 50 metres free stroke and for the first time a maximum distance underwater swimming.

    Foreign cadet Maillard Jonathan from France won by a wide margin and broke the records in 50 metres breaststroke - men (35,2s) and 50 metres free stroke - men (25,86s).

    Third year student Ľubica Štofanová became the best swimmer in 50 metres breaststroke - women (49,09s – 1st place) and 50 metres free stroke - women (46,49 s- 2nd place).

    54 metres was the maximum underwater distance reached by second year student Marek Hraňo.

Winners in 50 m
free stroke

Winners in 50 m

French winners...

Start - 50 m
free stroke

Winners in 50 m
free stroke

Marek Hraňo - winner
in underwater swimming

Collective photo
    text and photo: Mgr. Marek Marcinčin    

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