Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Marketplace 2010
     In February 2010 there was organized an Annual exposition of Partnership for Peace Training Centers "Marketplace 2010" second time in NATO HQ in Brussels where the Centers presented achieved outcomes and made a marketing of their institutions and demonstrated common cooperation.

    This years exposition took place in February 9 – 12, and there were totally 10 from 15 PfP TC’s – namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Germany, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and USA. Slovakia and Armed Forces Academy (AFA) of General M. R. Štefánik was represented by LTC Miroslav Fázik and Capt Martin Chovanec, PhD. During the exposition they presented the education system of professional soldiers in Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and also possibilities of increasing of their education within career and lifelong courses. As the integral part of those courses there is the International Staff Officers‘ Course (ISOC) in which there was represented interest from more than 20 countries.

    During the first day of the exposition there was a welcoming speech of Commandant of NATO School in Oberammergau (Germany) COL Mark D. Baines and he said thanks to all PfP TC participants for excellent cooperation and he wished them a lot of success in future activity.

    During main exposition days 10 – 11 February was the PfP TC exposition including AFA exposition visited by delegations of countries that are present in NATO HQ, representatives of Political Military Steering Committee and also H. E. František Kašický – the Permanent representative of Slovak Republic in NATO. After the exposition day Mr. Kašický has invited LTC Fázik and Capt Chovanec for a short meeting where he was informed about military education system in Slovakia and he stressed the importance and legitimacy of presentation of our military education in international environment and he said thanks to both for role model presentation of the Academy but also Slovak Republic at this important occasion.


  Text: pplk. Ing. Miroslav Fázik             
Foto: kpt. Ing. Martin Chovanec, PhD.

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