Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Armed Forces Championship of Military Practical Climbing
    The Institute of the Physical Education and Sport utilized the experience from conducting the military practical climbing training and organized the first Slovak Armed Forces Championship of this sport discipline which took place in Demanova valley. Competitors climbed the rocks of Machnate - ideal terrain in terms of difficulty, diversity and track safety.
    Competing couples had to prove their climbing skills and technique by managing their move through the difficult rocky terrain using a climbing gear and equipment. Competitors climbed and clambered rocks using the equipment and secured areas, abseiled ravines and rock face and tried to pass the track in as short time as possible. The jury carefully watched whether the rules of competition as well as security rules were obeyed. Fact that the fastest couple reached the finish in 45 minutes is a proof that the competition was really difficult. The last couple managed to cross the finish line in almost 90 minutes.
    Peter Mikuš and Mária Michalenková were the winning couple of the Armed Forces Championship.
text: Vladimír Paulík    
foto: Michal Lehotský, Vladimír Paulík    

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