Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik

Armed Forces Championship in shooting
    The Armed Forces Academy has been charged with organizing 2008 championship in rifle shooting. On October 22 – 24, 2008 the best shots of the Slovak Armed Forces had an opportunity to prove their mastery in handgun shooting at the shooting ranges in Demänová and Lazisko. Event was organized by the Academy Institute of the Physical Education and Sport as well as members of University Sport Centre, shooting and biathlon club. Championship was opened by the chief of the Institute of the Physical Education and Sport MA Ján Pápay, Ph.D. The Armed Forces Academy was not only an organizer. Its students, personnel and retired military professionals made their best to show their skills and win the championship.

por. Bc. Michal Hložka

S. Smetanová

Ján Marek and Rado Smetana
from Nové mesto nad Váhom

R. Lorenčíková, L. Bortník, M. Hložka, J. Velič
        photogallery   text and photo: Mgr. Dušan Litva, PhD.    

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