Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Military police in ISOC
     The Short term orientation Operational Planning Process Course was conducted at the Armed Forces Academy of gen. M.R. Štefánik in International Staff Officers Course (ISOC) in period of 22 – 26 February 2010. The course was planned and conducted for Military Police personnel that are pre assigned to Multinational Military police battalion structure (MNMPBAT).

    The course was aimed on introduction of specific terminology and planning and decision making procedures at the tactical level of command and control within international staffs

    The preparation of 13 military police members was delivered by ISOC instructors in English language.


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   NATO - SHAPE    NATO    EU    Ministerstvo Obrany OS SR    Generálny štáb OS SR    Allied command transformation
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