Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

On the threshold of the year 2009
        Armed Forces Academy staff assembly took place at the Academy on January 7, 2009 on the occasion of Slovak Republic’s 16th anniversary and the beginning of a new year. The Rector of the Armed Forces Academy, Brig. Gen. Miroslav Kelemen, delivered an opening speech and summed up the activities and events of 2008. Last year denoted the year of integration of military educational institutions and increase of importance of the Armed Forces Academy.

        He has stated that the Academy and its new integrated departments identified with career and specialized education of military professionals and civilian staff, cadet’s training, professional military training of the civilian universities graduates and prepares for launching the master’s degree study programmes.

        “2009 is being considered a year of changes in education strategy and professional development of lecturers in field of science and pedagogy“.

        Upcoming year will bring a lot of challenges and tasks that will require persistence and full professional and human engagement. Armed Forces Academy management, members of senate, scientific project leaders, lecturers and dozens of personnel working at departments of education and science will make all effort to rise a standard of education and research.
    text and photo: -hg-    

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