Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The first female pilot in the Armed forces
    On the 30 th of September 2009 At the Armed forces Academy of general M. R. Štefanik in Liptovsky Mikuláš were graduated after 3 years of intensive preparation 5 new pilots of Armed forces of Slovak Republic in a transport and helicopters specialization.

    Lt. Bc. Miriam Štefanicová who comes from Michalovce is among them who in this day became as a first female pilot of Armed forces of Slovak Republic. She is going to act her profession as a helicopter pilot – member of helicopter wing in Prešov.

    Together with her Lt. Bc. František Novotný obtained certificate for his profession as a helicopter pilot.

    Lt. Bc. Radovan Belás, Lt. Bc. Tomáš Božik, Lt. Bc. Martin Olajec became a members of transport aircraft wing located in Malacky.

    The preparation for this demanding profession which was provided by the Armed forces Academy included more than 700 hours of theory and 150 training flight hours in the Training Center of University in Žilina in the Aero Slovakia Nitra and Heli - company in Prešov.

    Theoretical and practical training included special training at the Air wings of the Slovak Air Forces and the theory under the lead of the lectors from the Armed forces Academy and from the Air force Training Center at the training battalion in Martin.

    The vice rector for military affairs col. Juraj Vyrostek said during the hand over of certificates to new Slovak pilots:” We joined the countries in which air planes are flied by women”. The Vice rector for education Pavel Bučka and the Head of Lifelong education Centre Michal Chlebec congratulated to new pilots especial to our first female pilot.

    Capt. Tomáš Baňas, the person in charge of the Armed Forces Academy pilot training programme, said, "Nowadays there are new pilots, including two women, preparing in our training centre."

    The professional pilot career requires the lifelong education which covers gaining higher qualification, improving the skills and flight experience. Therefore, the AFA will conduct the specialized training programmes for new military pilots.

    The very first female pilot flies at air wing in Prešov and studies the Master degree at the Armed forces Academy and continues in training at Schweizer C 269.
        Photogallery   text a photo: -hg-    

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