Rector of the University
of Defence in Brno, Brig. Gen. Professor Rudolf Urban, Ph.D. accompanied
by two vice-rectors, Lt Col Martin Macko, Ph.D. and Professor Zdeněk Zemánek,
Ph.D. paid an official visit to the Armed Forces Academy (AFA) in Liptovský
Mikuláš on November 4, 2008 in order to develop already well established
cooperation between these two military educational institutions. Rectors
and the representatives from the University of Defence discussed the areas
of cooperation in future.
The Rector of the Armed Forces Academy acquainted
the visitors with the AFA academic education, harmonization of study programmes,
curricula, career education, research and development and the other possibilities
of education in area of security and defence, adjusting the educational
system to be compatible with the international one and briefed them on
the AFA long-term plan until 2015 as well as research and development
of defence support conception.
AFA suggested the possible areas of cooperation
concerning the national and international defence and European security
and defence policy, capability within NATO, EU, National Security Course
and the other courses of the AFA Career development centre.
AFA Rector submited the draft of Agreement on
bilateral cooperation between Armed Forces Academy and University of Defence
to the Rector of the University of Defence for consideration. Proposal
will be discussed and particularized in the Programme of cooperation of
both institutions in December 2008.
Exchange of experience of study programmes conception
and contents, exchange of lecturers and students aimed at enhancing their
qualification within a lifelong education, Erasmus programme, appointment
of joint consultants, trainers and establishment of committees for higher
education development, monographs and textbooks publishing, support and
participation of cadets in specialized academic activities and international
projects, support of joint international exercises as well as organizing
the joint cultural and sport events are some of the points of the Agreement
on cooperation which will replace the Agreement signed in 1995.