Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Ambassador of the United States in the Armed Forces Academy
    Ambassador of the United States of America, Vincent Obsitnik, visited the Armed Forces Academy to deliver the lecture on „Development of EU and NATO relations in security field – US point of view“ on January 13, 2009, accompanied by US Air Attaché to Slovakia Lt. Col. Leonard Grassley and Lt. Col. John D. DuMond . Key point of the introduction was the analysis of cooperation between the United States of America and Slovakia. The Ambassador considers that to be non-conflict and respectable. The lecture was focused on respecting the economic, business and legal rules of both countries, NATO security policy, fight against terrorism and fulfilment of NATO member countries commitments. It also dealt with economic, energetic security and nuclear safety of Europe. He stressed the necessity of precise comprehensive training of leaders and junior officers.

    At the end of briefing His Excellency, Ambassador of the United States Vincent Obsitnik, answered the questions of audience, composed of Security Institute members, students of National Security Course and Senior Command and Staff Officers’ Course, Armed Forces Academy courses management and cadets.
  text and photo: -hg-    

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