Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika

Thematic week in Senior Staff Officers’ Course
    Representatives from the Office of the Slovak Military Representative in Brussels organized the thematic week at the Armed Forces Academy on October 20 – 24, 2008. Military adviser for operational planning, Lt. Col. (GS) Vladimír Šimko, Military adviser for NATO operations planning, Lt. Col. Peter Babiar and the personnel from the Staff of Requirements and Long-term Planning of the General Staff - J 5, Col. Martin Roš and Maj. Slavomír Verčimák delivered the briefings on the conclusions from the Chief of General Staff conference „Process of raising and sustaining the capability of the Armed forces of the Slovak republic in the light of present and future NATO led operations requirements“, to the students of Senior Staff Officers’ Course. They analyzed the defence and NATO force planning process and concentrated on the proposed model of Slovak armed forces unit‘s life cycle.
    text: Mjr. Ing. Iveta Petrová    
foto: -hg-    

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