Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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6th ISOC finished
    The 6th International Staff Officers’ Course (ISOC) held at the Armed Forces Academy (certificated PfP Training Center) was finished on the 2nd of June 2011. The closing ceremony was attended by the German Defense Attaché in the Slovak Republic LtCol Herbert Schmid and Ukrainian Military Attaché in the Slovak Republic Col Igor Kalinčuk. Certificates were given to the students by representatives from AFA - Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Pavel Bučka, Ph.D. (Vice-Rector for Education) and Mr. Michal Chlebec (Director of Lifelong Education Centre).

    The Course is held as a national project of Slovakia supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The main aim of the Course is to train staff officers in order to enable them to serve in multinational environment in the area of planning and conducting of military operations.

    11 students from 7 NATO and PfP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Germany, Moldova, Ukraine, and Slovakia) graduated from 6th ISOC Course which lasted from 24 March to 2 June 2011. The best students – Capt Stefan Titz from Germany and Capt Margo Grosberg from Estonia were awarded by the ISOC Commandant’s award presented by the Instructor Maj Jozef Kuchta.

    In 6th ISOC course the presentations were given not only by ISOC instructors but also by Guest Speakers - LtCol Arie van Ringelesteij who delivered a great and valuable presentation concerning his experience from planning and executing of Redeployment operation with all aspects and concerns behind it and Vice-Rector of AFA Assoc. Prof. Pavel Nečas, Ph.D who delivered a presentation about new NATO Strategic Concept.

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