Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The 7th ISOC was finished
    The 7th ISOC (International Staff Officers’ Course) came to the end on the 1st of December 2011 after eleven weeks of staff officers’ preparation conducted in English language. The Course is held in the Slovak Armed Forces Academy as a national project supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

    The Armed Forces Academy is one of 23 recognized PfP Training and Education Centers (PTCs) who provide effective military training within NATO and PfP community. The aim of the course is to prepare Slovak and International students for working in multinational staffs in the area of planning and conducting of military operations according to NATO standards. Except of theoretical preparation the students participated in several exercises focused on the Operational planning process during the defensive and offensive operations.

    20 officers in rank of 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Major from Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine and Slovak Republic have successfully finished the ISOC-7. Acting Rector of the Armed Forces Academy Assoc. Prof. Pavel NEČAS, Ph.D. handed over the Course Certificates and congratulated to each student after successful accomplishment of the course.

    The best student in the course 1st Lt Mattias Puusepp from Estonia was awarded by the ISOC Commandant LtCol Tomáš Bobko.
        Photogallery    pplk. Ing. Tomáš Bobko    
photo: -ds-    

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