Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Russian federation Defense Attaché visited ISOC
    Deputy Defense Attaché of the Russian federation in Slovak republic COL Oleg AFANASIEV visited Armed Forces Academy (AFA) on the 19th June 2012. The main reason of the visit was to be more familiar with educational system within AFA especially in the International Staff Officers’ Course (ISOC). Based on established cooperation between Slovak republic and Russian federation in the field of education we can expect participants from Russian federation in future courses.

    The guest was welcomed by the ISOC Commandant Lt Col Jozef WESSELÉNYI and accompanied by Director of Lifelong Education Centre Mr. Michal CHLEBEC. COL Oleg AFANASIEV visited the ISOC for his first time and received brief information from the ISOC Commandant about the ISOC education and training program and he also spent some time with instructors and students during a practical training in their syndicates. Visitor finally appreciated opportunity to enlarge his knowledge and to better understand how the training in course is conducted.
    kpt. Ing. René Hečko    

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