Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Marketplace 2012
    Annual exposition of the Partnership Training and Education Centers (PTC) "Marketplace 2012" was organized in NATO HQ in Brussels on 15 - 16 February 2012. PTCs presented their institutions and demonstrated common cooperation. Initially the project was launched in 1999 under the Partnership for Peace program to develop training and education activities among Euro-Atlantic partners.

    The increasing importance of the activity was highlighted during the opening ceremony by NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, Ambassador Dirk Brengelmann and NATO School Commandant Colonel Mark Baines.

    A record number of participants were present during the four years history of this event this year. 20 of 23 PTCs that currently make up the network of the centers and provide education and training within NATO and PfP community, presented their institutes, the achievements and courses to delegations from NATO HQ. The following countries were representing their activities at the Marketplace this year: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Finland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and USA.

    The members of the International Staff Officers’ Course (ISOC), which is an integral part of the Lifelong Education Center of the Armed Forces Academy (AFA), traditionally participated during this event. Slovakia and AFA as a recognized PTC was represented by Maj Jozef KUCHTA and SSgt Martin KUZIEL. They introduced a training system of military personnel and the possibility of further enhancing their career skills throughout different courses. The emphasis was put on education in ISOC, in which the aim is to prepare not only Slovak but also foreign staff officers for working in multinational environment in the area of planning and conducting of military operations according to NATO standards.

    During the event all PTCs expositions were visited by delegations of countries presented in NATO HQ. Expositions were visited also by Military Steering Committee and Heads of the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to NATO, H.E. Frantisek Kašický and Slovak supreme military representative to NATO LtGen Peter Gajdoš. Both Slovak high representatives highly appreciated the quality and professional presentation of the Slovak Republic and AFA in multinational environment and they stressed the importance of this activity.
    Maj Jozef Kuchta    

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