Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 11 has finished
   The 11th International Staff Officers’ Course held in the Armed Forces Academy (recognized PfP Training Center) finished on the 14th of November 2013 after eleven weeks of officers’ preparation conducted in English language.

    Twenty officers in ranks of 1st Lieutenant up to Major from eight NATO and PfP countries ( Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Ukraine and Slovakia) attended the training to be prepared for staff work within multinational teams in the area of planning and conducting of military operations. Under the guidance of the Slovak instructors they participated at several exercises focused on the Operational planning process during the defensive and offensive operations.

    The closing ceremony was attended by Brigadier General Assoc. Prof. Boris Ďurkech Ph.D.(Rector of the Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Commander of PFP Training and education centre), Chief of Personal Department of Staff for Operations Support of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republik Colonel Maroš Brláš, Director of Lifelong Education Centre Col. Róbert Totkovič, Commandant of the International Staff Officers’ Course Lieutenant Colonel Jozef Wesselényi, Defense Attache of Czech Republic Colonel Roman Kopřiva, Defense Attache of Azerbaijan Lieutenant Colonel Kamil Guliyev, Defense Attache of Germany Lieutenant Colonel Lars Ukerwitz and Defense Attache of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Beglinger.

    They congratulated to all graduates after successful accomplishment of the course. The best student in the course, Cpt. Daniel Granich from Germany was awarded by the ISOC Commandant LtCol Jozef Wesselényi.
        Photogallery   Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: -ds-    

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