Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The International Day
    It has already become a custom to organize the International Day as an event within the International Staff Officer Course and this year is not an exception. The event was officially opened by Vice – Rector for Science Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Marcel Harakaľ, PhD. and Vice – Rector for Military Issues colonel Dipl. Eng. Ľubomír Matta on 26th of September 2013.

    The ISOC students in ranks of 1st Lieutenant to Major from countries (Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Kazakhstan, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine and Slovakia) were presenting their countries in various ways. The participants of the event could have seen and heard the interesting presentations and tasted different kinds of meals and beverages which are typical for their respective countries. The aim of the International Day was to increase the general awareness about different cultures and also enhance the mutual relationship between students of this course.
        Photogallery   Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: -ds-    

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