Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Diversity Icebreaker on ISOC
    The historically first Diversity Icebreaker in Slovakia occurred on 26 September 2014 in ISOC.

    The aim of this event was to help ISOC students with a self-awareness improvisation and understanding of other team members as well as to support communication and collaboration in teams created in multinational environments within the different situations.

    Diversity icebreaker was led by Managing Director Bjørn Z. Ekelund Certified Psychologist, MBA, from Human Factors AS, Oslo Norway (Research Fellow Centre for Global Workforce Strategy, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.) as a discoverer and author of Diversity icebreaker idea, and supported by Professor Doctor Kazuma Matoba, Universität der Bundeswehr München Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften Professur für Interkulturelle Bildung with Mr. Alexander Petzold both from Germany.

    Workshop was divided into two parts. First part started at 08:00 and finished with lunch. Second part continued at 13:00 with end at 17:00 with after action review (AAR).

    The aim of first part was to organize Diversity icebreaker seminar with learning about “yourself” based on fulfilled questioners and by division participants into the three groups recognized by color – blue, red and green. Seminar continued with communication activities across diversity - with exercises how to approach blue, red and green persons – model communication followed by Team pyramid and personal development.

    Second part was mostly orientated to these topics: how team members, especially in multinational environment, can be influenced by their culture and how to get know important differences and how to work in sensitive multicultural conditions. Exercises were designed to improve Empathy, Relation skills, Knowledge and Tolerance as well.

    ISOC students had learned about how to work in teams with respect of each other, how important team building is in multinational conditions, also how to communicate with different types of people with different cultural background and experience with different thinking and behavior.

    The Diversity Icebreaker was successfully finished with shifting of unnamed collection of bunch of people to “family” of ISOC students.
    kpt. Ing. René Hečko    
photo: kpt. Ing. René Hečko    

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