Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Marketplace in Brussels 2014
    From 17 to 21 March 2014, the two representants of the Armed forces academy, LtCol Jozef Wesselényi and Capt. Roman Kráľ took part in the Partnership Training and Education Centres (PTEC) Marketplace at NATO HQ, Brussels.

    The main aim of the annual marketplace was to strengthen the relations and to promote the activities of the institutions, taking part in the event. Our representants approached the colleagues from other PTEC centres about future cooperation. From the total amount of twenty six, the sixteen PTEC took part this year.

    Partnership Training and Education Centres (PTEC) was launched in 1999 to develop training and education activities with Euro - Atlantic partners and these have since been opened to participation of all partners.
    Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: kpt. Ing. Roman Kráľ    

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