Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The Ukrainian and Mongolian visitors in ISOC
    The Armed Forces Academy hosted the conference on the Security Systems Management during the period from 24th February to 28th February 2014.

    Within the rich programme of the conference, the foreign participants from Ukraine and Mongolia visited ISOC (International Staff Officers´ Course). ISOC Commandant LtCol Jozef Wesselényi welcomed visitors, introduced the ISOC course and made them familiar with the curriculume of the course as well as description of the future visions and aims of the ISOC as one of the active member of the NATO DEEP programme (Defence Enhancement Education Programme).

    They also discussed benefits of the DEEP programme and possible involvement of the Mongolian and Armed forces in this programe.

    The fruitfull discussion was mostly focused towards a future participation and cooperation in the course among the Slovakian, Ukrainian and Mongolian military educational institutions.
    Magdaléna Ursínyová    

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