Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Long Weekend
    On 15 May 2015, the ISOC organized a long weekend for their students. They visited the historic sites in Svidník and Košice. First, they visited the Military Historical Institute in Svidník, which was in the past the Dukla Museum. The exposition highlights military and strategic importance of the Dukla mountain during World Wars and show the development and progress of World War I in frontier areas of the Eastern Slovakia. The students could see the authentic pictures of battles, personal relics, various types of weapons as well as other battlefield findings.

    The tour continued to Košice, which is the cultural and economic centre of eastern Slovakia. Here, they visited the Gothic Cathedral St. Elisabeth Cathedral, which is the biggest church in Slovakia and also several churches and Jewish synagogues.

    The long weekend is a part of programme within ISOC course, organized by AFA with the aim to enrich the course, and to show the students the most interesting parts of Slovakia.
    Bc. Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: ISOC    

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