Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Long Weekend in Pieniny
    The ISOC staff organized a second long weekend for their students on 5 June 2015. They visited the Pieniny National Park, which is a popular rafting and hiking location. Rafting took about 1,5 hours down the river Dunajec and was led by an experienced rafter, who provided the students with the interesting information about the surroundings. The park is located in the Slovak districts of Kežmarok and Stará Lubovňa on the border with Poland.

    The rafting finished in the village of Lesnica, where the students could buy some traditional souvenirs and postcards.

    The long weekend is a part of the programme within ISOC course, organized by AFA with the aim to enrich the course, and to show students the most interesting parts of Slovakia.
    Bc. Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: nrtm. Mgr. Rastislav Heldák    

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