Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC mobile team in Ukraine
    It was a great challenge to send mobile team to the University of Land Forces in Lvov, Ukraine. Members of Armed Forces Academy (AFA) enlarged cooperation with this institution as a part of Defense Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP). Initially the lectures were planned for three weeks in December 2014, but due to technical issues the course was rescheduled for two weeks and was conducted in time period from 29JUN15 to 10JULY15.

    Course was organized under the title of “Introduction to Decision Making Process at the Tactical Level” and was tailored based on the specific needs of host country.

    Four ISOC instructors led by Commandant and supported with quarter master sergeant firstly introduced to 23 students with ranks from 1st LT to LTC basic information about AFA and how officer’s education is conducted in condition of Slovak Armed Forces. Secondly the main part of the course was introduction to the Estimate process supported with exercises during which topics such as Problem solving, Mission command, Manoeuvrist approach, Map marking and whole Estimate process by itself were explained and series of tutorial exercises was conducted.

    The aim of course was to prepare brigade staff members – for international exercise Rapid TRIDENT where more than 3500 soldiers from NATO countries will take part in.

    It was first time in history of ISOC to established mobile training team to be sent abroad with the goal to educate and support partner countries. Student evaluation and host country representatives express themselves about great opportunity to be familiar with steps of planning process used in NATO countries. Based on these evaluations course can be considered as good, well prepared and it was successful choice to sent mobile team to the Ukraine. Both sides agreed to continue with established cooperation.
    Capt Rene HECKO    

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