Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Tuesday 03. 12. 2024       
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The meeting of V4
    From 26th to 27th February, The Armed Forces Academy hosted the representatives of V4 countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovak Republic) who met with the aim to discuss some important issues.

    The main negotiations were held on 27 February in the area of ISOC, where the hosting Rector of AFA Brigadier-general Boris Ďurkech welcomed the Rector of NDU Warsaw (Poland) Colonel Dariusz Kozerawski, Dean of FMSOT, NUPS Budapest (Hungary) Colonel Gábor Boldiszár, Vice-Dean of FMSOT, NUPS Budapest (Hungary) Colonel Lászlo Kovács, Vice-Rector of DU Brno (Czech Republic) Prof. Dipl. Eng. Rudolf Urban. The Armed Forces Academy was represented by the Director of the Professional Military Education Centre Colonel Tomáš Novotný and Vice Rector for Science Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Marcel Harakaľ.

    The main aim of the meeting was to inform about the current status of MoU negotiations on the Visegrad Group Military Education Platform (VIGMILEP) and to discuss the basic principles of VIGMILEP functioning, including the funding, and other possible forms of contribution, as well as the readiness to sign the current draft of MoU.
        Photogallery   Bc. Magdaléna Ursínyová    
foto: -ds-    

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