Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 16 was completed
    The final International Staff Officers’ Course based on the British Doctrines was completed by the farewell ceremony, held on 9th of June 2016.

    Twelve foreign officers in ranks of First Lieutenant, Captain and Major from Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Mongolia, Ukraine and the USA spent eleven weeks in the Armed Forces Academy to attend the training aimed at the Operational Planning Process. The course ISOC have been widely attended by the military staff from NATO and PC countries that have been working in the international environment in order to conduct the military operations within the multinational teams.

    The closing ceremony was attended by the Vice-rector for Education of the Armed Forces Academy of General M.R.Štefánik Assoc.Prof. Peter Spilý, PhD., the Chief of Personal Department of Staff for Operations Support of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic Colonel Patrik Adamec, the member of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic Major Maroš Gonos, the Defence Attache of Czech republic Brigadier General Zdeněk Jakůbek, the Air Attache of the United States of America Major Adrian Patrascu, the Chief of Office of Defence Cooperation of the United States of America Lieutenant Colonel Walter Richter, the Director of Lifelong Education Centre Colonel Tomáš Novotný and the Commandant of the International Staff Officers’ Course Lieutenant Colonel Jozef Wesselényi.
        Photogallery   Mgr. Magda Ursínyová    
photo: -ds-    

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