Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 16 has started
    The International Staff Officers' Course (ISOC 16) started on 31st of March 2016 with the opening ceremony held on 4th of April 2016, where the students were officially welcomed by Vice Rector for Education Assoc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Peter Spilý, PhD., Director of Lifelong Education Centre Colonel Tomáš Novotný, PhD., and the Commandant of the International Staff Officers’ Course Lieutenant Colonel Jozef Wesselényi.

    The course is being attended by 12 foreign officers in ranks of First Lieutenant, Captain and Major from Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Mongolia, Ukraine and the USA that has nominated its participant for the first time in the history of ISOC.

    The course is aimed at developing the theoretical knowledge in the area of operational planning defensive and offensive operations, as well as at enhancing their capabilities in order to be able to work in the multinational environment.

    The ISOC 16 will finish on 9 June 2016 with the closing ceremony and handing over the certificates.
        Photogallery   Bc. Magda Ursínyová    
photo: -ds-    

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