Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC mobile team in Ukraine
    Due to the huge success of the previous event in 2015, the members of the Armed Forces Academy (AFA) have again been invited to the University of Land Forces in Lvov to organize the course, “Introduction to Decision Making Process at the Tactical Level”, within the Ukraine Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP).

    During the period from 12 June to 25 June 2016, six members of ISOC mobile team were lecturing 25 students, with ranks from 1st Lt to Col, the introduction to the Estimate process supported with the exercises during which topics such as Problem solving, Mission command, Manoeuvrist approach, Map marking and whole Estimate process were explained.

    The university representatives as well as the students of the university have highly praised the course and have expressed their interest in the future cooperation between the two universities.

    In a show of solidarity, the AFA members gave to the museum of the host university in Lvov the military uniform of the Slovak Armed Forces.
        Photogallery   Mgr. Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: capt. Eng. René Hečko    

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