Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC mobile team in Ukraine 2017
    After the success of the previous courses ISOC mobile team has been third time invited to organize MDMP based course for the University of Land Forces in Lvov. Course was organized under the title of “Introduction to Decision Making Process at the Tactical Level” and was precisely tailored based on the specific needs of Ukrainian Armed Forces. The purpose of the course was to support wider dissemination of NATO doctrine and procedures and to contribute to the officers' professional development, their interoperability in multinational staff posts in NATO-led operations and exercises. The course reflected the military requirement for the standardization concerning the tactical planning process in NATO and was covered by the Ukraine Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP).

    During the period from 04 June to 17 June 2017, six members of ISOC mobile team were daily lecturing 31 students, with ranks from 2nd Lt to Col, through presentations, discussions, exercises and individual private study (self-study). Whole effort was aimed to enhance the knowledge of the students about the military decision making process in accordance with NATO standards.

    Student’s feedbacks and University of Land Forces in Lvov representatives express themselves about great opportunity in way of to be more familiar with Military decision making process used in NATO countries and they presented need to continue with established cooperation.
    CAPT Jaroslav KOMPAN    

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