Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Training Synchronization Conference 2017
    The seventh annual Training Sychronization Conference (TSC) was held and hosted by the Republic of Bulgaria. TSC in Sofia was running from 21 February till 24 February 2017 with the main goal to gather Educational and Training (E&T) specialists from the NATO Command Structure, NATO Force Structure HQs together with Allied and Partner Nations at the same place. The meetings were conducting simultaneously within five separated groups regarding to the latest developments across the whole NATO Training Spectrum. The Partnership Training and Education Centers Commandant’s Conference (PTEC CC) was established as a one of the groups.

    The presence of the Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Stefanik during the TSC was represented by Major Martin Chovanec who mainly took a part at the PTEC CC. Currently the PTEC community has been including 31 educational and training institutions, but only 22 were presented in Sofia. During the general part of the conference there were echoing issues such as statistics, course developments, PTECs cooperation, Quality Assurance Process and English language proficiency of the course participants. In order to achieve better results concerning to conferences´ s outputs after the general part the representatives of the PTECs were divided into the syndicates where they talked about the mentioned issues in more details.

    Two additional events of the PTEC community are also planned this year - PTEC Working Group in Almaty in Kazakhstan and Market Place in Brussel.
    maj Martin Chovanec    

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