Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 18 was completed
    The International Staff Officers’ Course that started on 26th of February, was completed by the farewell ceremony on 27th of April 2018.

    The course completed eighteen officers from the Czech Republic, the State of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the Slovak Republic. The course was reflecting the military requirement for standardization of the NATO Tactical Planning Process in accordance with the Allied Procedural Publication APP-28, which provides guidance to tactical staffs on planning and conducting military operations. Positive feedbacks from the students reflects the excellent quality of the course, which have been fully accepted and highly appraised by the international military community.

    The closing ceremony was attended by the Rector of the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik Assoc. Prof. Jozef Puttera, Csc., Vice-rector for Education, Assoc. Prof. Peter Spilý, PhD., the Director of Professional Military Education Centre, COL Tomáš Novotný, PhD., and the Commandant of the International Staff Officers’ Course, LTC Jozef Wesselényi, PhD.

    The best course student, CAPT Peter Odstrčil from the Czech Republic, was awarded the prize for outstanding performance. The primary purpose of this award is to encourage and motivate students in their effort.
        Photogallery   Mgr. Magdaléna Ursínyová    
photo: -ds-    

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