Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Decision Making Process at the Tactical Level course
    From June 24, 2019, the Decision Making Process at the Tactical Level course took place at the premises of International Courses Department. For 20 members of the 13th Mechanized Battalion from Levice, it was an opportunity to familiarize with the staff's procedure and the principles of operations planning at the mechanized battalion level in accordance with NATO's doctrine. Course instructors emphasized the managing of procedures and professional military terminology in English, which is the key to achieving success and interoperability in an international environment.

    During the initial days of the course, the participants were familiarized with the doctrinal framework of the planning and decision-making process such as the use of NATO military symbology, the principles of war and warfighting function and command and control of NATO operations. Later, during the Command Post Exercise, they thoroughly practiced the purpose, elements and sequences in the planning and decision-making process at the tactical level (based on the MDMP) and the staff procedures by planning the battalion high intensity warfare operation.
    text, photo: Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    

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   NATO - SHAPE    NATO    EU    Ministerstvo Obrany OS SR    Generálny štáb OS SR    Allied command transformation
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