Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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International courses department supports DEEP in Ukraine
    Members of the International courses department led by Major Roman KRÁĽ continue with the effort to support the transformation of the military educational institutions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces under the DEEP Ukraine (Defence Education Enhancement Programe). This year they executed course under the title of Decision Making process at the tactical level from 8 September to 20 September 2019, in the premises of the Air Force University in Kharkiv.

    The course was specifically tailored with the emphasis on the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to carry out international exercises and to enhance the transformation of the planning process used by the Ukrainian forces in accordance with NATO standards.

    The participants were acquainted with the process of education in the the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, at the beginning of the course. The course itself was divided into two parts. The first theoretical part was aimed to enlarge the knowledge of the participants on the topics such as military capabilities, NATO map symbology and command and control layout at the tactical level. The Second practical part fully addressed military decision making process (MDMP) itself and planning of military activities.

    The course was attended by 16 Ukrainian officers with ranks ranged from Captain to Colonel - military teachers who dealt with similar topics from Air Force University in Kharkiv, National Defence Academy Kyiv, National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine Kharkiv, Tank Institute Kharkiv and Zhitomir Military Institute.

    All participants expressed their satisfaction with the quality level of the course and the opportunity to get acquainted with NATO planning process in detail, at the end of the course. These words were also confirmed by the head representatives of the Air Force University, who emphasized the need of further cooperation.
    Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    

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