Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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ISOC 20 has started
    20th International Staff Officers' Course (ISOC) was opened at Armed Forces Academy of Milan Rastislav Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš on 25th of February 2019. In the introductory presentation Major Roman Kráľ, Chief of International Courses Department, presented its participants the mission, structure and role of Armed Forces Academy.

    17 officers in ranks from first lieutenant up to major from Czech Republic, Georgia, Slovakia and Ukraine are attending ISOC 20.

    The aim of the course is to enable its participants to manage the planning and conduct the military operations in english in accordance with NATO standards throughout the range of conflicts in the international environment resulting from NATO's military requirement to standardize the planning process at a tactical level.

    In the first week the student enhanced their english language skills and improoved their communication and knowledge of military terminology in this language. In the following weeks, students will be familiar with the use of the units of different specialties and services and organizational structures of individual combat units at tactical level. Later, students will acquire the basic information and skills necessary for the military decision making process and prepare for joint operation at all stages of preparation and planning at the tactical level.

    ISOC 20 will end on April the 26th, 2019.
    Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    

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