Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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International Staff Officers Course - ISOC 21
    On December 6, 2019, the 21st International Staff Officers Course ended with the official ceremony. Eighteen officers from the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and the Slovak Republic attended this course.

    Students, officers in ranks from the first lieutenant up to major were intensively devoted themselves for whole 9 weeks into planning and conducting military operations at the tactical level in accordance with NATO standards in a full spectrum of conflicts within an international environment.

    The entire course is conducted in English, so during the first week, students expanded their language skills and improved communication and knowledge of military terminology. They have also been familiar with the use of units of different specializations and services as well as with the organizational structures of individual combat units of the land forces. Students have acquired required information and skills needed for the military decision-making process and they are prepared to plan any operation at the tactical level.

    In addition to a number of theoretical lectures and practical exercises, they were given a short time off in the form of a sightseeing trip to the surroundings of Stará Ľubovňa and the High Tatras. During the "the International Day" they had an opportunity to present their countries as well as to took a part in the futsal tournament "Cup of the director of the Professional Military Education Centre ".

    The final ceremony started with opening speech given by the Rector of the Academy doc. Ing. Jozef Puttera, CSc. and was attended by the following guest - on behalf of the Director of the Human Resources Section of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic - Col. Tomáš SZALAI, on behalf of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak republic - Col. Slavomír VERČIMÁK. Chief of International courses department – maj. Roman KRÁĽ awarded the best student of the course,1st Lieutenant Martin LYSÁČEK from Czech Republic.
        photogallery   Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    
photo: -ds-    

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