Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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The Planning of Joint Operations Course
    From 13th of June 22 participants of the 16th Advanced Command and Staff Course take part in a Introduction to the Planning of Joint Operations Course in the premises of International Course department.

    The aim of this four-day course was to familiarize students with NATO doctrines and practices in the NATO planning process. The course provides its participants with basic capabilities to work as a NATO-led international headquarters operational planner, to participate in the preparation of operational plans that include all relevant factors for the effective and successful operation and help to implement the planning processes in practice.

    Head Lecturer LtCol Jozef Kuchta expressed his satisfaction with the level of knowledge of the students of this course as well as with the initiative they have taken in the course of processing the required outputs.
    LtCol Jozef Kuchta    
photo: MSgt Rastislav Heldák    

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   NATO - SHAPE    NATO    EU    Ministerstvo Obrany OS SR    Generálny štáb OS SR    Allied command transformation
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