Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Command Post Exercise for 16th Advanced Command and Staff Course
    From May 27, 2019, participants in the 16th Advanced Command and Staff Course take part in a two-weeks Command Post Exercise (CPX) in the premises of International Course department of SVK AFA. The initial doctrinal lectures and CPX itself are led by instructors of the International courses department in English language.

    The aim of CPX is to increase the awareness on planning and decision-making at the tactical level and to practice the decision-making process at tactical level (MDMP) with emphasis on the use of military terminology. Participants of CPX will thoroughly practice the staff's work procedures while planning task force operations. The individual steps of the MDMP are carried out in syndicates and are developed based on methodological guidance of the instructors, taking into account the discussion and feedback from CPX participants.
  Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    

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