Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Introduction to the Planning of the Joint Operations
    From 27th of January 2020 weekly Introduction to the Planning of the Joint Operations course took a place in the premises of International courses department. It was attended by participants of NATO member states, the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and partner countries from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic, Colombia, Hungary, Pakistan and the Slovak Republic, who are destined to perform tasks in national and international operational headquarters and staffs.

    The course reflects military requirements for standardization of operations planning within NATO, focuses on operations planning at operational level, and reflects the process at military-strategic level. The aim of this short-term course was to familiarize participants with NATO doctrines and procedures and to prepare staff officers of member and partner countries for the NATO planning process. The graduate of the course will be able to work within the International Operational Planning Group at the International Headquarters and to prepare operational plans that include all relevant factors for effective and successful execution of joint NATO operations and help to implement the planning processes in practice.

    This strong international participation helped to simulate more realistically the situations for which were the participants during the course preparing for.

    The course participants consisted of two learning groups. The lectures were given for both groups in common, but groups performed the exercises in individual syndicates separately.

    Chief Lecturer LTC Jozef KUCHTA expressed great satisfaction with the level of knowledge of the graduates of this course and their involvement and initiative in developing the required outputs.
    text: Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    
photo: -ds-    

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